3 ESO review unit 3


1  The travellers below haven’t got everything they need. Complete the sentences
with the items below.

guidebook ¿ first-aid kit ¿ sunscreen ¿ map ¿ toiletries
    1.   After sitting on the beach, Karen is as red as a tomato. She left her ……………………
          at the hotel.
    2.   Kim can’t read about the museum. She’s lost her …………………… .
    3.   Jim can’t find his shampoo. He’s left all his …………………… at home.
    4.   Robyn got lost while she was hiking. She didn’t have a …………………… with her.
    5.   Dave fell and hurt his knee. He needed a …………………… but it was in the car.

2  A tour guide is talking to some tourists. Complete the sentences with the words below. 

camera case ¿ suitcase ¿ money belt ¿ passport ¿ luggage allowance
    1.   Bring no more than one …………………… with you tomorrow. This is the ……………………
          for the trip. We haven’t got room on the bus for more than that.
    2.   Remember – thieves like tourists. So keep your euros in a …………………… , not in a wallet.
          Put your
…………………… there, too.
    3.   Someone left a …………………… on the bus yesterday. If you were taking photographs,
          it could be yours.

3  Complete the letter with the words below.

     backpack ¿ insect repellent ¿ sleeping bag ¿ sunglasses ¿ tent
Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m having a great time on the camping trip. Sleeping outside in a 1. …………………… is fun. It’s a little cold at night, but my 2. …………………… keeps me warm. The mosquitoes are a problem, but I make sure to put on 3. …………………… in the evening. So far, the weather
has been sunny. I’m glad I brought my 4.
…………………… because I need them. Yesterday we went on a long hike. My 5. …………………… was so heavy and my shoulders hurt, but
I enjoyed it.
Miss you!


4  Choose the correct answers.

    1.   Will you and Anna have / Are you and Anna going to have a party on Saturday?
    2.   Guess what!  George will come / is coming to London this summer.
    3.   Do you want to speak to Tim? I will get / am going to get him. He’s outside.
    4.   This summer, we won’t visit / aren’t going to visit my grandparents in Scotland.
    5.   I am not going out / won’t go out tonight. Why don’t you come to my place?
    6.   He doesn’t drive very well. I hope he won’t have / isn’t going to have an accident.

5  Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets.

    1.   A: …………………… you …………………… (spend) the day at the beach tomorrow?
          B: I don’t think so. It looks like it …………………… (rain).
    2.   A: …………………… you …………………… (go) shopping in Sydney?
          B: We probably …………………… (not have) time to go shopping on this trip.
    3.   A: …………………… you …………………… (see) Kathy in London?
          B: I don’t think so. She …………………… (be) too busy studying for her exams.

6  Complete the e-mail. There may be more than one correct answer.

Hi Pierre,
Guess what! My dad has got a job in Paris! My mum and I 1. …………………… (move)
there this summer. My dad 2.
…………………… (go) before us to find a flat. I hope he
…………………… (find) something in your area! We 4. …………………… only …………………… (stay) in Paris for one year so I 5. …………………… (not study) in a French school. My parents want me to go to the British School. Do you know it? It’s outside of Paris, so I 6. …………………… (take) a special bus there every day. I hope the trip
…………………… (not be) too long! During the week, I imagine I 8. …………………… (be) busy with school but I promise we 9. …………………… (spend) time together on weekends. I’m so excited!

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