1 Provide the right word.  (12 points)

1 The opposite of short.
2  A large mammal. It lives in the sea.
3 You can buy lunch or dinner in this place.
4 Humans _______ by talking.
5 The past simple of swim.
6 The opposite of interesting.
7 A girl is her parents’ ____ , not their son.
8 The season after spring.
9 From Canada.
10 Not hot and not cold.
11This school subject uses numbers.
12The past simple of sleep.

2    Complete the sentences. Use words for physical descriptions. (8 points)

  1           My brother wears g____________. He can’t see very well.
   2          My sister has got a t_____________ of a flower on her arm.
  3           I’ve got l_______________ hair. I wear it up a lot.
  4           My dad has got d______________ hair.
   5          Jerry isn’t slim. He’s w__________- b__________.
  6           Fiona’s hair is c_____________. It’s beautiful!
  7           My mum has got b_____________ eyes, but my dad’s eyes are brown.
  8           Jane has got s_____________ hair. It’s easy to look after.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct affirm., neg. or interrog. form of the verbs below.  (5 points)

have got • wash • see • listen • say
                1.            I usually ………….…..…… my dog once a month.
                2.            ………….… you …………… Donna yesterday? She was at the party.
                3.            I ………….…….… to music on the radio at 7.00 yesterday evening.
                4.            Listen to the baby. She ……….….……… her first words!
                5.            Ann is walking to school because she ……….………… a bike.

4 Complete the sentences. (8 points)
1 I’m not going to watch this DVD. It’s a h_______ film.
2 A w________ is a very large mammal that lives in the sea.
3 A c________ is a very funny TV programme or film.
4 A s________ is a dangerous reptile. It hasn’t got any legs.
5 The best Disney films are c________. I love them!
6 An o________ is a very large, tall bird that can’t fly.
7 Paul sent i________ to his birthday party to fifteen friends.
8 I bought a new s________ c________ to wear when I go to the beach.

5 Write questions for the answers. (4 points)
1 _______________________?
No, England didn’t win the World Cup in 2006.
2 _______________________?
Yes, Brad Pitt appeared in a film called Troy.
3 _______________________?
No, Michelangelo didn’t live in the United States
4 _______________________?
No, the Chinese didn’t invent cars.

6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence is correct. (5 points)
1 You must to clean your teeth every day.
2 They must help their parents tidy the house.
3 You not copy your friend’s homework. It is wrong.
4 We must write not on the desks in class.
5 I must doing my homework every night.

7 Complete the text with the correct words so the text makes sense. (10 points)
I live in Sheffield. It’s a small city, but I think that it’s (1) ___________ best place to live! I moved here last year. Before that, I (2) ___________  in a bigger city called Luton.
Luton is (3) ___________ expensive than Sheffield. Sheffield has got a lot of great shops, and the cafés (4) ___________ better too. If you come to Sheffield, you (5) ___________ visit the museums and the art gallery. There isn’t much crime in Sheffield. I think that it’s safer (6) ___________ Luton.
The (7) ___________ annoying thing in Sheffield is the weather. It (8) ___________ wetter than Luton. But the parks in Sheffield are (9) ___________ beautiful because it rains a lot. When you visit, you (10) ___________ forget to bring an umbrella!

8  Complete the email. (10 points)
Hi Rick
How are you? (1) _____ did you do at the weekend? I (2) _____ see you at Mike’s party on Saturday. (3) _____ you stay at home? I (4) _____ Tania at the party. She (5) _____ me where you were! I said I didn’t know. There (6) _____ a lot of people and a great group.
What are you doing tomorrow? Do you want to go to the cinema? That new Japanese film is on at the Plaza. It has a lot of (7) _____ including judo and karate.
I (8) _____ to the cinema last night with Diana, but the film (9) _____ terrible. It was a love story. It (10) _____ interesting; it was really boring!
See you soon.

9    Complete the sentences. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. (6 points)

1    Sarah _________ (usually play) football every Sunday.
2    She _______ (not play) today because she’s ill.
3    How often _________ (you / go) to the cinema?
4    I ________ (watch) a film on TV at the moment.
5    Mike ___________ (not often walk) to school.
6    ________ (he / travel) by bus today?

10  Complete the text. Use the correct tense and a different verb for each space. (9 points)
Trip to Johannesburg
Last summer my brother Freddie and I (1) _______ to South Africa. We (2) _______ to Johannesburg and our friend David (3) _______ us at the airport. We (4) _______ with his family in Johannesburg. One day we (5) _______ Cape Town with David and his family. It’s a really beautiful city near the sea. It (6) _______ hotter than Britain, of course, and sunny every day! One weekend we (7) _______ Table Mountain. It was fantastic, but you must be careful because it’s dangerous.
We (8) _______ going to Cape Town again, but David  is (9) ________________ to Great Britain next year.

Reading Comprehension

11 Read the text. Find words with the same meanings as 1–5.
Robbery on Green Street
1 Last night, there were three robberies on Green Street. The police believe that the same criminals robbed three different houses. They stole money, jewellery, computers, camera equipment, a bicycle and credit cards.
2 Sam Edmunds (48) was one of the victims. He said, ‘We didn’t hear the robbers because they came when we were sleeping. In the morning, we got up and saw that our new laptop was missing. We phoned the police at nine o’clock.’
3 Another victim was Rosie Brown (36). She said, ‘They stole a lot of cash, but the worst thing for me was that the robbers stole my grandmother’s valuable jewellery.’
4 The police are telling everyone in the street to be vigilant. ‘If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, you should call the police on 999 immediately. You mustn’t forget to lock all doors and close windows at night.’
5 There was a security camera in Green Street, and the police gave this description of the criminals. ‘We think that there were three robbers, but we only have video pictures of two of them. The first was about 28 years old. He was tall and slim, with long, greasy hair. He was wearing jeans and a dark sweatshirt. The second man was older. He was shorter, and more well-built. He was wearing dark trousers and a light jacket.’

Did you see the third robber? If you were a witness, you should phone the police.

1 a computer that you can carry (paragraph 2)   ___________
2 money, not cheques or credit cards (paragraph 3)   ___________
3 expensive (paragraph 3)   ___________
4 very careful (paragraph 4)   ___________
5 dirty, not washed (paragraph 5)   ___________

12 Read the text again. Then answer the questions. Write complete sentences. (10 points)
1 Why didn’t the victims hear the robbers? 
2 What was Rosie Brown sad about?
3 What’s the emergency phone number in Britain?
4 How do the police know what two of the robbers look like?
5 Why do the police want to speak to anyone who saw the third robber?

13  Listen to the dialogue about pets. Which person talks about each topic? Write E for Ella or D for David.  (8 points)
1 The size of dogs and cats. ____
2 Which pet is cleaner. ____
3 How much it costs to buy a pet. ____
4 Which pet is friendlier. ____
5 Taking your pet for a walk. ____
6 Pets that spend more time with people. ____
7 Which pet is more dangerous. ____
8 Which pet is funnier. ____

2 Listen to the dialogue again. Then answer the questions. (3 points)
1 Who thinks that dogs are better than cats – Ella or David?
2 What were the two reasons?

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