
   1.   The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them in your answer sheet.  (8 x 0.5 = 4 points)
         1.   His parents always sail their car to work.  …………………
         2.   Let’s win! I love this music.  …………………
         3.   She wants to juggle a medal in the swimming competition.  …………………
         4.   He wants to run his boat from Spain to Italy.  …………………
         5.   I can drive four balls at the same time.  …………………
         6.   Don’t walk so slowly. We must rescue. We don’t want to be late.  …………………
         7.   Not many people can dance Mt Everest. It’s very difficult.  …………………
         8.   The police try to climb people in trouble.  …………………
   2.   Write antonyms for the words below.  (6 x 1 = 6 points)

         1.   interesting  …………………
         2.   throw  …………………
         3.   in front of  …………………
         4.   go to bed  …………………
         5.   curly  …………………
         6.   lose  …………………

   3.   Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.  (6 x 1 = 6 points)

         1.   Christmas is in the month of ……… .
         2.   He has got curly black ……… .
         3.   Please don’t put any ……… in my salad.
         4.   ……… are very tall animals.
         5.   He is playing basketball at the ……… .
         6.   The aeroplane is flying ……………the city.

   4.   Complete the sentences.  (12 x 1 = 12 points)
         1.   In this game, I … … … … … the ball to you, and you catch it.
         2.   Lions sometimes … … … … … … and then eat other animals.
         3.   … … … … … are amphibians. They can live on land or in water.
         4.   Fish and … … … … … is a popular meal in England.
         5.   We’re having dinner at Chez Louis. It’s a … … … … … … … … … … .
         6.   In tennis, you … … … the ball with a racket.
         7.   Ambulances take people to the … … … … … … … … .
         8.   I like to … … … … my bike.
         9.   We make … … … … … … from milk. It’s good in sandwiches.
       10.   This very big fish is a good hunter. It’s a … … … … … .
       11.   She hasn’t got fair hair. Her hair is … … … … .
       12.   Anita isn’t … … … . In fact, she’s quite thin.

   5.   Choose the correct answer.  (10 x 1 = 10 points)
         1.   He wins many competitions because he … jump very high.
                A.  should                B.  can                         C.  must
         2.   You … stop at a red light.
                A.  shouldn’t           B.  must                       C.  can
         3.   … you close the window, please?
                A.  Must                   B.  Should                   C.  Can
         4.   You … take an umbrella with you because it’s raining.
                A.  should                B.  can’t                      C.  mustn’t
         5.   Jim needs glasses because he … see very well.
                A.  shouldn’t           B.  can’t                      C.  mustn’t
         6.   Young children … do weightlifting. It’s dangerous for them.
                A.  must                   B.  shouldn’t               C.  can
         7.   Joanne … run very fast, but she swims quite well.
                A.  mustn’t              B.  shouldn’t               C.  can’t
         8.   In basketball, you … kick the ball.
                A.  must                   B.  can                         C.  mustn’t
         9.   … I prepare dinner or do you want to go to a restaurant?
                A.  Should                B.  Can’t                     C.  Shouldn’t
       10.   We … talk now. This is an exam.
                A.  can                      B.  should                    C.  mustn’t
   6.   Look at the chart. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.  (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1.65 m
1.75 m
1.70 m
70 kilograms
75 kilograms
75 kilograms
curly black hair
straight brown hair
straight blond hair
English mark: 95
English mark: 90
English mark: 85
  1.    Brian is …………… Jim, but Ken is ……………………… boy. (tall)
  2.    Ken is ……………… Brian, but Jim is ……………………… Ken and Brian. (heavy)
  3.    Ken’s hair is ………… Brian’s hair, but Jim’s hair is …………… of the three. (dark)
  4.    Jim’s hair is ……………… Ken’s hair. (curly)
  5.    Ken’s mark is ……………… Brian’s mark, but Jim has got …………

   7.   Complete the sentences. Write one word for each space.  (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1.   I haven’t got ………pets. My parents don’t like animals.
2.   How ………… rice are you cooking?
3.   We ………… our bikes every day.
4.   You ……… kick a ball in the library.
5.   Sally …..… eats meat. She’s a vegetarian.
6.   ……… there many museums in London?
7.   Look at Tim! ……… driving his father’s car.
8.   Hurry! Why are you walking ………… ?
9.   Bill and Sue have got a pet rabbit. That white rabbit is …….. .
10.          …… the boys playing basketball at the moment?

8 . Complete the text. Write one word for each space.  (10 x 1 = 10 points)
Mike 1.………………… at the stadium with 2.………………… friends, Pete and Adam. 3.………………… are many people at the stadium today because there is 4.………………… important game between Manchester United and Chelsea. Mike is 5.………………… a Manchester United shirt because he 6.………………… Manchester United. They are his favourite team. But Manchester United 7.………………… playing well at all now. They 8.………………… losing 3-0. Mike is 9.………………… sad. He says, “We 10.………………… go home. There’s no reason to stay. This is a terrible game.”

9. Complete the text. Write one word for each space.  (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1.………………… you listening to music right now? 2.………………… you enjoy classical music? People all around the world 3.………………… to the beautiful music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the famous Austrian composer. Every year, thousands of tourists 4.………………… his house in Salzburg, Austria. Of course, Mozart 5.………………… live in the house. The Mozart House 6.………………… a museum now, and it 7.………………… got Mozart’s musical instruments and his letters. Right now, they 8.………………… showing original pictures of Mozart’s family at the museum, too. You can visit every Tuesday to Sunday, but it 9.………………… open on Mondays. See you there!

10.   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or verb in brackets.  (6 x 1 = 6 points)
         1.   Amy is ………………… (popular) girl in our class. Everybody likes her.
         2.   We’re walking ………………… (quick) because we’re late.
         3.   George ………………… (sit) in his chair now. He’s in my chair.
         4.   My friend ………………… (study) French twice a week.
         5.   ………………… you always ………………… (buy) bread at this bakery?
         6.   The book is ………………… (interesting) the film. The film is boring.

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