
1  Complete the chart with the words below. Circle the words that don’t belong in any group.

security guard ¿ canyon ¿ jury ¿ get lost ¿ nephew ¿ judge ¿ glue ¿ isolated
¿ scissors ¿ foggy ¿ flash drive ¿ break a record ¿ coral reef
fail the test
¿ glacier ¿ prevent ¿ paints ¿ go on a cruise ¿ swamp
School supplies

2  Complete the words. Then match them to the pictures.

     1.  p … r … …                          5.  h … … … ie
     2.  h … … … t                           6.  li … … … … ing
     3.  h … … b … … r                   7.  k … … … e
     4.  s … oo … … r                      8.  f … … ne … …   t … ai … e …

3  Complete the words to match the definitions.

    1.   the noise we hear in stormy weather – t………………
    2.   very tired – e………………
    3.   your father’s sister – a………………
    4.   what men usually put their money in – w………………
    5.   a person who copies other people’s work – f………………
    6.   what we eat between meals – s………………

4  Tick () the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences
without changing the words in bold.

                                                                                                                          T        F
    1.   The police need evidence to send a person to court.                              ......    ......
    2.   People go abroad in a taxi.                                                                    ......    ......
    3.   Sandy’s taking lessons in self-defence. She plays tennis.                      ......    ......
    4.   Unplug the computer to save electricity.                                                ......    ......
    5.   My parents were angry because I came home early.                             ......    ......
    6.   Pasta and bread have got caffeine in them.                                            ......    ......
    7.   Frank had an injury so we took him to the gym.                                   ......    ......
    8.   Manchester United are a very famous football team.                            ......    ......

5  Match A to B to make phrases.

          A                                             B
    1.   tell                                      ...... a.         in a band
    2.   grow                            ...... b.  out
    3.   belong                         ...... c.  competitive diving
    4.   throw                           ...... d.  an award
    5.   learn                            ...... e.  up
    6.   check                          ...... f.  e-mails
    7.   receive                        ...... g.  lies
    8.   perform                       ...... h.  to

6  Complete the sentences with phrases from Exercise 5.

    1.   Don’t ……………………………. that box. I can use it again.
    2.   Every year, students at Preston School ……………………………. for their good work.
    3.   Those books ……………………………. me.
    4.   I haven’t got time to ……………………………. every day.
    5.   Dan plays the guitar and he ……………………………. every Saturday.


1  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

try ¿ not talk ¿ freeze ¿ do ¿ not ride ¿ work
    1.   …………………… the students …………………… a test now?
    2.   Alex …………………… on the phone at the moment.
    3.   I …………………… my bike to school every day.
    4.   Look! That cat …………………… to open the door.
    5.   …………………… your father …………………… on Saturdays?
    6.   Water …………………… at 0o Celsius.

2  Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

    1.   I …………………… (not study) for my test at 9.00 last night. 
    2.   We …………………… (go) to a different school a year ago.
    3.   What …………………… you …………………… (do) when the bell rang?
    4.   Lily met Leo while he …………………… (shop) for jeans.
    5.   Jennifer …………………… (not take) lessons in self-defence last year.
    6.   What time …………………… your sister …………………… (come) home yesterday?

3  Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of used to.

    1.   you / play / football / in the park / after school / ?
    2.   my sister and I / go / to school / by bus / every day / .
    3.   my dad / not enjoy / his job / .
    4.   the students / stand up / when / the teacher / came / into class / .
    5.   I / not play / the guitar / .

4  Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

see ¿ return ¿ not check ¿ perform ¿ not find ¿ be
    1.   …………………… Max ever …………………… abroad before?
    2.   I …………………… my e-mails yet. 
    3.   Alice …………………… never …………………… in a band. 
    4.   I can’t find my jacket. …………………… you …………………… it?
    5.   The detective …………………… any evidence to connect him to the crime.
    6.   My dad …………………… just …………………… from work.

5  Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 

    1.   …………………… your family …………………… (be) to London yet?
    2.   Charlie …………………… (leave) school an hour ago.
    3.   How many countries …………………… you …………………… (visit) when you went abroad last            year?
    4.   I …………………… (not walk) to school because it was raining.
    5.   Robert …………………… (call) me several times since yesterday.
    6.   Stella …………………… (not study) English before. She is starting this year.

6  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs below.

good ¿ quietly ¿ difficult ¿ carefully ¿ heavy ¿ popular
    1.   Who is ……………………………. athlete in your class?
    2.   Jake closed the door ……………………………. he could.
    3.   Everyone likes Sandy. He’s ……………………………. student in the school.
    4.   For me, maths is not ……………………………. English.
    5.   My mum drives ……………………………. my dad.
    6.   My brown bag is ……………………………. my white bag.

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