
1 Match A to B.
          A                                                                         B
      1.   Jack is sleeping in the classroom.                             … a.    His food is delicious.
      2.   Your room isn’t clean.                                                … b.    It’s very crowded.
      3.   Kevin often cooks.                                                      … c.    He thinks the lesson is boring.
      4.   There are hundreds of people in the shop.              … d.    It’s very quiet here.
      5.   Where are all the students?                                        … e.    It’s very dirty.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.
exciting ¿ excellent ¿ tasty ¿ disgusting ¿ surprising
                1.            My best friend isn’t coming to my birthday party. That’s so …………………… .
                2.            We’re going to Disney World in the summer. It’s very …………………… .
                3.            Can I have another cherry, please? They’re very …………………… .
                4.            There’s a worm in my apple. That’s …………………… !
                5.            The film was …………………… . You must see it.

3 Choose the correct answer.

                1.            We get eggs / cheese from chickens.
                2.            People often put lettuce / crisps and cake / tomatoes in a salad.
                3.            Do you want cherries / rice or hamburger / potatoes with your steak?
                4.            I always put olives / ice cream on my pizza.
                5.            Is that a fruit or a vegetable pie / ham?
                6.            This fish restaurant is famous for its salmon / grapes and juice / shrimp

4 Complete the sentences with the correct places.
sweet shop ¿ chemist’s ¿ arcade ¿ police station ¿ shopping centre ¿ post office
                1.            I must get some medicine from the …………………… .
                2.            Please buy me a box of chocolates at the …………………… .
                3.            Tina bought presents for everyone at the …………………… .
                4.            Tim is at the …………………… . He’s sending a letter to the USA.
                5.            Someone took my bag so I went to the …………………… .
                6.            We play video games at the …………………… every weekend.

5 Where do the people work? Write the places next to the correct sentences.

department store ¿ amusement park ¿ hotel ¿ hospital ¿ sports centre ¿ café
1. “Do you want some cake with your coffee?”                             ………………………………
2.“You must be ten years old to go on this ride.”                           ………………………………
3. “Please stay in your bed, Mr Henson.”                                        ………………………………
4. “Men’s shoes are on the second floor.”                                       ………………………………
5.“Karate is on Mondays and Wednesdays.”                                 ………………………………
6. “I can take your suitcases up to your room, Sir.”                      ………………………………

1    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below so they express future actions.
         not finish • be • win • use • not live
         1.   You …………………… a doctor one day.
         2.   I …………………… the job before 7.00.
         3.   …………………… our team …………………… the volleyball game?
         4.   Tom …………………… a computer in his job.
         5.   Dave and Emma …………………… in Africa.
2    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. 
         wear • go • practise • not be • not arrive
         1.   If I buy a new dress, I …………………… it for your party.
         2.   If you …………………… , you will be a great singer.
         3.   If a snake eats a hamster, it …………………… hungry for a week.
         4.   If Tanya …………………… to the club, she will meet Dylan.
         5.   If the ambulance …………………… , we’ll take the boy to the hospital in our car.
3    Circle the correct answers. 
         Paul’s friends 1 plan / plans / are planning a trip. They 2 aren’t going / is going to go / are going to go skiing in Italy in January. Yesterday, they 3 asked / ask / didn’t ask Paul to go with them and they’re waiting for his answer. But Paul 4 shouldn’t / mustn’t / can’t decide. It is an expensive trip. It is 5 expensive / more expensive / more expensive than a trip in England. Paul 6 don’t ski / isn’t skiing / doesn’t ski very well, but he 7 enjoys / enjoy / isn’t enjoying it very much. He hasn’t got 8 a / an / any warm jacket, but he 9 have got / has got / hasn’t got some warm socks and shoes. 10 Should / Must / Could he go, or stay at home?
4    Correct the mistakes. 
         1.   How much people went to the concert?
         2.   There were any turtles in the pet shop?
         3.   I didn’t saw the accident on my street.
         4.   Judy walking home at 7.30 yesterday.
         5.   Is Ian going buy a webcam?
5   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If it …………………… (snow) tonight, we …………………… (not have) school tomorrow.
2. Shawn usually …………………… (wash) the dishes after dinner, but tonight he …………………… (go) to a restaurant for his birthday.
3. …………………… you …………………… (watch) “House” yesterday? I …………………… (forget) it was on.
4. They …………………… (arrive) in Jordan an hour ago and they …………………… (dive) in the Red Sea right now.
5. I …………………… probably …………………… (take) a nap after lunch, but I …………………… (want) to get up by 2.00.
6. Anita …………………… (sneeze) while she …………………… (hug) the cat.
7. If Adam …………………… (not catch) the ball, his team …………………… (lose) the game.

6 Write sentences with the words below.

                1.            robots / drive / our cars / in the future / .
                2.            where / you / live / in 20 years’ time / ?
                3.            if / I / want / a new computer / I / buy / one / .
                4.            the computer / not work / if / you / spill coffee / on it / .
                5.            you / answer / the phone / ?
7 Complete the text. Use the correct form of a future tense or Conditional.
      A:     Do you think Kate 1. …………………… (like) the new computer game?
      B:     Definitely! I think she 2. …………………… (love) it. If she
3. …………………… (not want) it, I 4. …………………… (take) it!
      A:     What? Why 5. …………………… you …………………… (take) it? It’s
not your birthday!
      B:     Yes, but Kate 6. …………………… (not tell) you if she 7. …………………… (not like) the game. She 8. …………………… (not want) to make you feel
bad. She 9. …………………… (give) me the game if I 10. …………………… (promise) not to tell you!

8 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs.

     Sue: 1.…………………… you …………………… (go) to the sports centre later?
      Dan:                Yes, I am. Why?
      Sue: I 2.…………………… (be) there. Liz and I 3.…………………… (try) the Zumba class.
      Dan:                Well, I 4.…………………… (not join) you. Ben 5.…………………… (give) me a tennis lesson.
      Sue: We 6.…………………… (have) dinner at the café after the class. Come with us.
      Dan:                OK. But we 7.…………………… (not stay) for long. We’ve got a test tomorrow.

9  Complete the dialogue.
Jack:     What 1. ……………………………… at 4.00 yesterday afternoon?
Emily:   I was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
Jack:     You don’t usually prepare dinner. 2. ……………………………… ?
Emily:   No, my mother wasn’t helping me. She was talking on the phone.
Jack:     Who 3. ……………………………… ?
Emily:   She was talking to the teacher.
Jack:     What 4. ……………………………… ?
Emily:   The teacher was telling her about my bad marks.
Jack:     Is that why you 5. ……………………………… dinner?
Emily:   Yes!


         Read about a new club for teens in Manhattan.

Hanging Out in Manhattan
Weekends were once a problem for 13-year-old Alexis from Manhattan, New York City. There wasn’t a place for her to hang out with friends. Most clubs were from the age of 18, concerts were expensive and the streets were dangerous. Often, young teenagers weren’t welcome in cafés and shopping centres. But then, the Church Street School for Music and Art solved the problem. It created 7eventytwo – a special club for 13-18-year-old teens.
7eventytwo is a cinema, theatre, art classroom and music studio. It’s also just a place to hang out. You can pay $8 each time you visit or get a semester (16-week) membership for $400. Members can take two courses and they get free entry to all the events. Events at 7eventytwo are very special. There are concerts, shows and films by local artists, and after each event, you can ask the artists questions about their work.
The courses are interesting, too. 7eventytwo has got courses in things like digital photography and making music videos. For future musicians, there’s also a course in recording your own music. For artists, there’s a course in how to prepare an art portfolio.
Alexis is excited about her first week as a member. On Tuesday, she’s starting a photography course and she’s going to try a drama course on Thursday. Alexis’ weekend isn’t going to be boring, either. She’s going to see a film and a concert with friends – at 7eventytwo, of course.
1  Read the sentences in Exercise 3 again. Who is … ?
            1.         a local artist  ……………………
            2.         a future artist  ……………………
            3.         a member of 7eventytwo  ……………………
            4.         a one-time visitor to 7eventytwo  ……………………
            5.         taking the Thursday course  ……………………

 2  Answer the questions.
            1.         Why did Alexis have a problem going to clubs in the past?
            2.         How is 7eventytwo different from other clubs?
            3.         What can you get for $400 at 7eventytwo?
            4.         What is special about the events at 7eventytwo?
            5.         What courses is Alexis planning to take?

WRITING  (10 points)
Imagine the job one of your friends is going to do in the future. Write a paragraph describing his / her life in ten years from now. Remember to check your writing for mistakes.

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